Haptic Coin - CONNECTOR
Our newest Haptic Coin design. With permission from TiConnector.com we duplicated his most popular screw head design to turn it into a full size coin. All the features have been scaled up exactly 447%
The Connector shell is made from grade 5 titanium and has a machined finish. The center of the shell has a cup shape to accept a ball which allows this coin to double as a spin coin. The ball is held in place by magnetic force. Every Connector Coin purchase will come with this removable spin ball.
Flat shell options. Currently you can choose between two different shells. The standard base option is also grade 5 titanium with machined finish. You can choose to upgrade to the 3 alloy Titanium Damascus with polished finish. The patterned metal looks exceptionally cool while spinning. (sorry we do not offer a double “connector” version due to its awkwardness while handling.)
Connector coins will come with a premium zip up case, while supplies last.
Weight: 50 grams.
you can click the additional info button below to see a video of the coin in action.